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  • JACADI SAS with a capital of 25 847 956 €, RCS Paris 441 875 473, 2/10 Rue Chaptal 92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET. - France
    To contact us:
    Telephone number: +1 844 700 8462 (toll-free number)
    Intercommunity VAT number : FR84441875473
  • Cédric DARDENNE in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer
  • The entire site is protected by French and international intellectual property legislation. All rights of reproduction are reserved. In accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, none of the texts composing the pages of this site may be the subject of any representation or reproduction, in full or in part, on any medium whatsoever, without the express and prior authorisation of JACADI. Similarly, the trademarks, trade names and logos appearing on this site are registered. Their total or partial reproduction, using the elements of the site, is prohibited.
  • SAP France S.A - Commerce Cloud
    35 rue d'Alsace
    92300 Levallois-Perret