Boy Boots

4 found


Baby smooth leather bootiesfrom 20% off Initial price $149.00 Reduced price $119.20

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Boy sporty-chic bootsfrom 20% off Initial price $169.00 Reduced price $135.20

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Unisex smooth leather first ankle bootsfrom $139.00

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Baby boy bootiesfrom 20% off Initial price $169.00 Reduced price $135.20

Sizes Available

Boy's Boots: With Jacadi, Everyone Has Their Own Look

Boots , these cute little ankle boots, are among the essentials of your boy's wardrobe. Lined or not, depending on the models, they feature secure, cleated soles , increasing grip on the ground. These shoes for boys are perfect for snowy weather and nature walks. At Jacadi, boy's boots combine style, comfort, and quality. Three criteria that we believe are essential to bring together so that your child can put on their shoes with pleasure every morning and enjoy them as long as possible. Available in sizes 17 to 39, they can be found in our extensive collection.

Boy's Boots, the Ultimate Winter Shoes

Rain and low temperatures don't stop your child big or small from playing outside with their friends. That's why, in order to properly support their ankle and protect their foot from cold and moisture, they need to be appropriately dressed. Boots are an excellent choice for this purpose.
In full leather or mixing leather and textile , our models of boots and lined shoes for boys will accompany your child with style throughout the winter season and offer them a breath of freedom. Running, walking, hopping. . . they are ready to continue their adventures, with warm and dry feet.
Little ones also have the right to functional, chic, and timeless boy's shoes. Our stylists have developed a beautiful collection of booties suitable for pre-walking. Barely standing on their two legs, your boy will display a style all his own, echoing French elegance.
To make you fall in love, Jacadi offers variations on classic boots that will melt your heart, such as chic sports boots, Chelsea boots, and desert boots. And for rainy days or seaside walks in the off-season, give your child lovely boy's rain boots designed for wet weather.